
Archive for March, 2012

copyright by Sage GreyWolf, March 17, 2012

It is important to learn the history and stories of the elders, and to retain one’s cultural heritage, but it is equally important to ‘live’ on your path today. When is the last time you (yes you, not someone you know or heard about in one of those stories), when is the last time YOU sat still in meditation with Mother Earth? When is the last time YOU had a two-way conversation with your guides, or with a tree, or with a stone? When is the last time YOU beheld the little folk? When is the last time YOU heard a guardian spirit speak directly to you? When is the last time YOU had a vision from Spirit? When is the last time YOU beheld your ancestors many generations past come to give you advice? When is the last time YOU gave a loving hug to Mother Earth? When is the last time YOU witnessed an animal spirit come to give YOU the power of their medicine, or to gift you a lesson? If YOU do not ‘live’ your beliefs and if you do not interact with your spirit world on a daily basis with prayer and meditation and heart, it does not matter whether you know the language of your ancestors or can name your lineage or measure your blood quantum or wear the accepted regalia at the powwow. For if YOU are not on your path and awake and alive then you are lost and asleep and dead. There is no middle ground.

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